4o Year old Acry Shayamano who hails from Nherera village in Mhondoro is at a total loss as how to deal with this curse that has befallen him. Facts we gathered are that Acry developed these breasts after stealing cattle and speculation is high that the family he stole from are the ones who fixed him.
Acry Chinhivi Shayamano, who is pictured in this article lives in Magejo village. He is a married man with three grown kids. Villagers who spoke to the News crew on condition of anonymity intimated that Acry had stolen cattle from some family in Mhondoro. The claimed he had sold the cattle to unscrupulous butcheries. Acry initially denied these allegations and claimed that he had no idea how he had come to develop these breasts!
After being persuaded he opened up to News Reporters and allowed photographers to take pictures of his “newly acquired assets”. “Who told you guys that i grew breasts?” he charged. ” My breasts are similar to yours guys, its just rumour mongers bent on tarnishing my name, I have never stolen any cattle. Agreed cattle do get stolen in this area but i have nothing to do with it.
Moles told the news crew that he stole two oxen from a family(name withheld). The oxen had been given to the mother of that homestead as part of lobola requirements known as “mombe dzehumai”. A Mr Hamilton Magaisa (50) from Gora Village which is in the same area confirmed this bizarre occurrence. Everyone in these parts knows that Acry developed breasts after he stole the oxen from a fenced family. This must be a lesson to all and sundry that stealing has grave consequences. I don’t feel pity for this guy because he is one oft he thieves terrorizing us here. Acry admitted to the news crew that he is a THIEF but cattle was strictly out of his LINE! He said the only cattle rustling incident he was ware of was that of his grandmother who had lost two beats to Harare Crooks operating butcheries
“My grandmother has a lot of cattle and I keep some of them here to help her out. The beasts that were stolen are the ones at her homestead. She came to tell me and i joined forces with the search party. We then discovered skins, heads and intestines at a spot in the bush were the beasts had been slaughtered. Sadly this incident coincided with the growth of my breasts in February this year.” he said
Quizzed why he had grown breasts the same time beasts were stolen, Acry got really pissed and threw his hands in the air in exasperation . “Guys this has nothing to do with the cattle, its just a COINCIDENCE! Yes I do steal but not cattle. I once stole DVDs from some guy in Gora. I got arrested and I paid $100 fine” He explained. asked if growing breasts had anything to do with his previous “PROJECTS” Acry said he was not sure but it could be a possibility. He says he started growing the breasts in January this year. He said that the whole affair was a bit gradual like the puberty process for teenage girls though for him it was a bit accelerated. Some villagers say his breasts have not outgrown those of his wife Flora Mlauzi (38). How they came to this conclusion we are not sure!
“These breasts are not painful at all, they also don’t lactate(produce milk or other liquids). I would like to reiterate that it has nothing to do with the cattle saga” he revealed. “I am HIV positive and I get my pills from Chikara clinic. Sometimes i have this idea that the breasts came about as a side effect of taking ARV Medication. He says its been three years whilst on HIV medication, however besides the breasts, no other body part has malfunctioned. At least for now. Asked if he had sought medical opinion on this development, Acry said it had not crossed his mind, quizzed why he had not at least consulted the nurses who supply him with ARV medication, he failed to produce a satisfactory answer.